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Mio C320 4.3" GPS Navigation $99 @NEWEGG

% T6 s6 l+ ~2 z华人论坛,  股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyerhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16858192012&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL112108&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL112108-_-GPSNavigation-_-L2C-_-58192012&CMP=AFC-C8Junction&CMP=AFC-C8Junction

Which deal is better?

GARMIN nüvi 250 3.5" On the Road GPS Navigation    $99.99华人论坛,  股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyer3 O4 D* `, B( A' L# J6 f

7 v2 H4 B6 N/ T: whttp://www.newegg.com/store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=357&Tpk=GPS
我用MIO习惯了, 喜欢MIO.  
: b6 f3 E- f" C8 k. H4 Ewebmail.yayabay.com丫丫的港湾 小说 股坛  海外华人 yayabay.com 全球华人1 K  z8 f/ |) q# s4 L
  Pros: EASY! With the 2008 firmware the voice prompts are accurate and remind you numerous times your turn is near yet NOT annoying. Battery life is satisfactory. Antenna picks up perfect reception even when sitting on the car seat! . {1 b1 p+ {& w" Y
    Cons: Have to make sure your route is the safest in some cities. The GPS doesn't reconize slums, crime or high drug dealing areas...DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Mounting kit only attaches to glass otherwise your committed to adhesive means on the dash.webmail.yayabay.com3 B, Q; K3 O/ v9 T+ I$ y! Q/ D6 U
    Other Thoughts: Needs a case to be included for transport....no further map updates unless you want to buy them($130!). Mounting kit is an excellent product all the way around. Suction cup that grabs on the window is good and secure!