China doesn't need to point any nukes at India, all it has to do is ship more boxes of "Chinese string" and apparently Indians will haplessly strangle themselves at any opportunity. They are apparently not used to having string that doesn't break, unlike their native "Indian string". A word about "Indian string": Indian string is not designed to tie things together, it is designed to give you the ILLUSION that they are tied together. They will (and are expected to) break at the first sign of resistance. That is why there was such outrage and shock that Chinese string did not break during this tragedy. The people were simply not used to unbreakable string. Forget the fact that the boy wasn't supposed to be riding the motorcycle or that he wasn't wearing a helmet or that Indian road rules are atrocious or that the pole was probably the ultimate cause of the boy's death. No, brothers. It was that damned, unbreakable Chinese string. That was the REAL problem. Jai Hind!
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