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标题: 美国高中生物教材是什么? [打印本页]

作者: huhulideer    时间: 2012-4-18 06:51     标题: 美国高中生物教材是什么?

我是一名生物老师,想了解美国高中生物教材是不是就是亚马逊上的《Biology  The Dynamics of Life》(生命的动力)一种?
作者: friend16    时间: 2012-4-18 22:26

本帖最后由 friend16 于 2012-4-19 10:33 编辑

this was what my sister used in high school for general biology--3 years ago

and here is the website: ... ry=biology%20levine

This was what my brother used in high school for AP biology--5 years ago

and here is the website: ... =14680&rcount=2

books are different per school and per state. you may find them on

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