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标题: [闲谈] St. Louis Fed (流氓)经济学家, OIL will BE $0/B BY 2019 [打印本页]

作者: tianfangye    时间: 2016-2-26 00:45     标题: St. Louis Fed (流氓)经济学家, OIL will BE $0/B BY 2019

本帖最后由 tianfangye 于 2016-2-26 13:21 编辑


We calculated the future path of the CPI over the next 10 years (starting in January 2016) that would be consistent with breakeven inflation expectations at horizons of one year through 10 years.2 Then, using an annual growth rate of 2.87 percent for the “all items less energy” component and using 0.46 for the elasticity of the energy component with respect to oil prices, we backed out the future path of oil prices that would produce this future path of the CPI.3 The figure below displays the implied oil price series and compares it to the future oil prices implied by West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures. 4

According to our calculations, oil prices would need to fall to $0 per barrel by mid-2019 in order to validate current inflation expectations. After that, there is no oil price that would allow our model to predict a CPI path consistent with December 2015 breakeven inflation expectations. This implied path of oil prices is very different from the path of oil prices implied by futures contracts, which rises to more than $50 per barrel by mid-2019.
We state some potential explanations for our results:
Notes and References
1 In this backtest, we performed an out-of-sample prediction of the CPI from July 2014 to December 2015 using the actual path of oil prices over that time period. This is the future CPI path our model would have predicted in June 2014 assuming that we knew what oil prices would be through the end of 2015.
2 We used the December 2015 breakeven inflation expectations to estimate December values of the CPI over the next 10 years from December 2016 to December 2025. We obtained the remaining monthly CPI values by assuming constant growth of the CPI between each of these December estimates.
3 The value of the elasticity of energy component with respect to oil price was estimated via ordinary least squares. See the second figure of our previous blog post.
4 An oil futures contract is a standardized agreement, tradable between parties on an organized exchange, for the seller to deliver a certain quantity of oil to the buyer on a future date at a specific price determined today. The prices of such contracts are often interpreted as the market’s forecasts of spot oil prices.
作者: aimei    时间: 2016-2-26 11:15

作者: tianfangye    时间: 2016-2-26 12:14

回复 2# aimei

作者: tianfangye    时间: 2016-2-26 18:05

油服公司贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)公布数据显示,2月26日当周,美国石油钻井减少13台,至400台,为连续第十周下降,至2009年12月11日当周以来最低。美国天然气钻井平台增加1台,至102台。




贝克休斯钻井平台数据发布后,WTI 4月原油期货短线上涨0.3美元,至每桶33.51美元。不过稍后即有所回落,截至收盘,WTI 4月原油期货收跌0.9%,报每桶32.78美元,但本周累计上涨逾3%。布伦特4月原油期货收报每桶35.10美元。下图显示的是追踪油井平台数(蓝色线)与油价(黑色线)变化的曲线。

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