"Although every suicide is tragic, Foxconn's suicide rate is well below the China average. We are all over this."
So on the one hand, Steve buys into the argument that since the number of suicides amongst Foxconn employees is below average, it has nothing to do with the working conditions there. On the other hand, they're "all over" it, as he knows that this sure isn't good publicity for Apple (or any of the other companies who work with Foxconn).
Steve Jobs, chief executive of Apple, said that the suicide rate at the Chinese factory – where 12 of the company's 400,000 employees have killed themselves this year – was lower than the overall suicide rate for the United States.
According to the World Health Organisation, the average annual suicide rate in the United States is 11.1 people per 100,000 of the population. The most recent statistics available date from 2005.